Teaching Experience
Began UTeach Post Baccalaureate Program Spring 2016
Lessons on vehicle design, motion and energy storage to 4th and 5th grade students at Harmony School of Science
Lessons on introductory robotics, statistics and microcontroller programming at Ann Richards School for Young Woman Leaders
Lessons on Digital Forensics at Crockett High School
Project Based Instruction in Algebra I at Austin High School
Wireless Technology at Inquiring Minds (Summer STEAM camp)
Introduction to Neuroscience at Inquiring Minds (Summer STEAM camp)
Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) at Westwood High
Principles of Engineering (PLTW) at Westwood High
"Digital Forensics: Using Smartphones to Explore Metadata in a Simulated Criminal Case" by Jason Harron, John Langdon, Jennifer Gonzalez, and Scott Cater, The Science Teacher, November 2017